Grounded AI: Paving the Way in Regulated Industries

Grounded AI: Paving the Way in Regulated Industries
Future artificial intelligence is more focused on compassionate, caring, and creative intelligence than just hard intelligence.
Sri Amit Ray

Grounded AI Solutions in Regulated Industries

In an era of rapid technological advancement, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force across various sectors. However, the ethical and responsible deployment of AI remains a paramount concern. Technicity LLC is at the forefront of this challenge, spearheading the development and implementation of Grounded AI solutions across multiple regulated industries.

The Key to Ethical AI: Grounding

The foundation of ethical AI lies in its ability to be grounded. Grounding refers to the elimination of hallucinations, the automatic verification and fact-checking of AI responses, and the ability to navigate uncharted or adversarial situations. Grounded AI systems are resilient against attempts to exploit them for negative PR or data breaches.

Grounding AI: A Systems Design Approach

Contrary to popular belief, grounding AI is not a complex endeavor. It’s a pragmatic approach rooted in fundamental engineering principles, validated models, and real-world data. When mathematical equations are insufficient, knowledge models derived from system definitions provide a robust alternative.

The Technicity Groundling Framework encompasses this approach. It involves a systematic evaluation of enterprise innovation, precise scoping of AI functionalities, and implementation through our enterprise agentic architecture, Groundling. This framework accommodates all forms of AI/ML, including GenAI.

Empowering Enterprises with Groundling

Our methodology empowers enterprises to leverage AI for generating business logic and knowledge graphs. With a streamlined review process, product owners can create enterprise-ready applications without extensive coding or AI expertise.

Why This Matters

Technicity LLC is paving the way for ethical and responsible AI adoption across regulated industries. Our Grounded AI solutions, implemented through the Technicity Groundling Framework, provide a robust and transparent approach to AI development and deployment.

To discover how Groundling can transform your business, contact Technicity LLC.


Technicity LLC: Grounding AI for a Better Future

Picture of Raina


EI Evangelist @ Technicity

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